III EESVO Conference
From left: lek.wet. Agnieszka Balicka (Poland), dr hab. Marcin Lew, prof. nadzw., wiceprezes EESVO (Poland), prof. dr hab. Alexandra Trbolowa prezes EESVO (Slovakia), prof. dr Peter Bedford DECVO (England), dr Jiri Beranek EECVO (Czech Republic), prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Balicki EESVO (Poland), lek. wet. Paweł Stefanowicz (Poland), lek. wet. Natalia Nestorowicz-Kucharczyk (Poland), dr Przemysław Bryła EESVO (Poland)
Hereditary eye diseases and many more…
Prof. Peter Bedford, DVM, PhD – UK
HAD self assessment test
Prof. Ireneusz Balicki, DVM, PhD, Dipl. EESVO – Poland
Dr Jiri Beranek, DVM, PhD – Czech Republic
Prof. Alexandra Trbolova, DVM, PhD, Dipl. EESVO – Slovakia
Conference programme:
10.00 Opening Ceremony
10-12,00 Hereditary Eye Defects – part 1
12.00- 13,00 lunch
13,00-14,30 Hereditary Eye Defects – part 2
14.30-15.30 coffee break
15.30-17.00 Hereditary Eye Defects – part 3
17.00-17.45 Quiz
17.45 Closing Ceremony
Dear friends, colleagues and fellow ophthalmologists
On behalf of the EESVO it is our pleasure to invite you to the next Meeting which will be held in Litomyšl, Czech Republic, September 17th, 2017.
The main topics of the meeting will be ” Hereditary eye diseases – updated information” with the main speaker prof. Dr. Peter Bedford, Ph.D, DECVO from the UK. At the end of the day you can check your knowledge during HED quiz, provided by prof. Ireneusz Balicky, Ph.D.,from Poland, dr Jiří Beránek, Ph.D. from Czech Republic and prof. Alexandra Trbolová, Ph.D. from Slovakia.
The meeting is continuing education for HED examiners, panelists and all with interest in ophthalmology. You can expect full day of updated HED information, focused mainly on retina. There will be limited capacity of the meeting; our idea is to be very practical and interactive, round table discussion format. Prof. Peter Bedford is well known speaker, excellent teacher, currently president of ECVO.
Location is very attractive with “genius loci”. Litomyšl town is on the UNESCO list of cultural monuments and our meeting will be held in the Chapel/Castle Brewery. Capacity is limited; do not miss early bird registration.
Castle Brewery is birthplace of Czech national music composer Bedrich Smetana. Litomysl town emerged in the 13th century on the site of an older fortified settlement, full of architectural and historical sights of Gothic origin and a series of Renaissance and baroque houses, many with arcades and vaulted ground floor rooms. Book the weekend and stay one day more and enjoy historical and cultural town!
For accommodation, please look at www.esclitomysl.cz or there are plenty of opportunities in walking distance: see Litomysl castle, Hotel Aplaus and Hotel Zlatá Hvězda too, I am sure, you will find room for you.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Litomyšl at our friendly, practical and scientific meeting.
Best personal regards
Alexandra Trbolova, EESVO President
Jiri Beranek, Chairman of the Conference