Executive Board
The Executive Board of the EESVO holds substantive and formal care of the functioning of the Society based on the findings and guidelines adopted at the General Assembly. The Executive Board participates also in the organization and conduct of symposia, conferences, seminars and professional training courses. It operates a representative of EESVO in terms of promoting the Society on the website and East European Journal of Veterinary Ophthalmology.
Prof. Ireneusz Balicki, DVM, PhD, Poland
Vice President
Jowita Zwolska, DVM, Poland
Past President
Prof. Alexandra Trbolova DVM, PhD, Slovakia
Board members
Dr. hab. Marcin Lew DVM, PhD, Poland
prof. Zsolt Szentgáli, DVM, Hungary
Dr. Marek Kostrzewski, DVM, Poland
Przemysław Bryła DVM, PhD, Poland
Supervisory committee:
Prof. Jacek Madany DVM, PhD, Poland
Silve Prikrylova DVM, Czech Republic
Barbara Kuduk, Poland
Dominik Gąsiorowski DVM, Poland