21 October 2018 | Past events
Meeting Prague, 2018
30 August 2018 | Past events
Dear colleagues and friends with a major interest in ophthalmology, we would like to share with you, that we just opened the registration for the second workshop on “UPDATED CORNEAL SURGERY” and you are all welcomed to join us. Both key speakers Eduardo Huguet Baudin...
4 July 2018 | Past events
Dear colleagues, friends and ophthalmologists, we would like to announce start of the registration for the wetlab “First Steps in Vitreoretinal Surgery”. The registration will start 4.7.2018 at 10 am CET, you can register on conference website here. More information...
22 March 2018 | Past events
EESVO – East European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology and ŚLĄSKA POLIKLINIKA WETERYNARYJNA Invite you to: Ophthalmic workshops – Diagnostics of retinal diseases Prowadzący: Prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Balicki, EESVO, ESVO Katedra i Klinika Chirurgii...
10 December 2017 | Past events
Early bird registration´s deadline is coming soon! Don´t forget to register for Prague ESVO/EESVO 2018 conference! July 15th, 2018 is the last day you can save money and register as early bird. Please look at www.esvomeeting2018.org where you can find scientific and...
9 December 2017 | Past events
The main speaker at the ophthalmic panel will be a world-renowned specialist prof. David Maggs, dipl. ACVO (University of California, Davis, USA) Programme w PDF