Early bird registration´s deadline is coming soon!
Don´t forget to register for Prague ESVO/EESVO 2018 conference! July 15th, 2018 is the last day you can save money and register as early bird.
Please look at www.esvomeeting2018.org where you can find scientific and social program, hotel booking form and list of sponsors and exhibitors.
There are short CV of both key speakers, they will present you updated lectures about retina and vitreoretinal surgery.
We are submitting ABSTRACT until July 15th , please don´t miss it.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Prague
We invite you to the Ophthalmology Meeting organized by ESVO and EESVO, which will take place on October 11-14, 2018 in Prague.
It is the result of an agreement between the two largest ophthalmic societies in Europe aimed at training practitioners.
EESVO members will get discount of the registration fee in the same price level as ESVO members.
This is the link to conference registration form: https://www.esvomeeting2018.org/registration/
EESVO members are kindly asked to send requesting registration on e-mail: contact@eesvo.org, to confirm valid membership entitling to conference discounting fee.
Dear EESVO member,
We would like to remind you all that abstract submission for our next annual meeting is opened. You can send us your abstract until 15th July 2018.
Find more info here: https://www.esvomeeting2018.org/abstracts/
You can look at the program, register and find more info for the meeting in PRAGUE October 2018 at https://www.esvomeeting2018.org/welcome/
See you all in Prague
Meeting LOC