The webinar speaker

Dr. Lionel Sebbag, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVO

Senior Lecturer – Ophthalmology

Koret School of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Sebbag obtained his veterinary medical degree (DVM) from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse. He then completed a rotating internship at Kansas State University before pursuing a 4-year residency in Comparative Ophthalmology at the University of California-Davis. After his residency training, Dr. Sebbag went to Iowa State University to work as an Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology and to complete a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences focused on pharmacology and ocular disease models. He is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO), and his clinical and research interests include ocular surface diseases, tear film biology and innovations in drug delivery to the eye. He received multiple academic awards and authored over 50 articles in select biomedical journals.

Information on charges

EESVO and ESVO Members – free of charge

Regular Registration for non-members – 25 EUR

Registration for the webinar:


Payment for the webinar :

IBAN: PL 02 1930 1695 2500 0579 8410 0003



Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A.
ul. Grzybowska 81
00-844 Warszawa


Please contact us in case you have any special question:

DVM Jowita Zwolska

Mail: Phone +48 601 334 797

Prof. Ireneusz Balicki

Phone +48 603 066 376

Dr Przemyslaw Bryła

Phone +48 22 644 91 28

DVM Mateusz Szadkowski

Mail: Phone +48 503 003 113