About the Speaker 

 Dr. Bianca Martins received her DVM from São Paulo State University (Brazil) in 2002. She obtained her master’s degree in Veterinary Ophthalmology in 2005 and completed her PhD in Veterinary Ophthalmology in 2008, at the same University. Dr. Martins completed a postdoctoral program at University of Florida in 2012, followed by a residency in Comparative Ophthalmology at University of Florida in 2015.

 She is currently an Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at University of California – Davis, USA, and is the director of the Residency Program in Comparative Ophthalmology at UC Davis. Dr. Martins obtained board certification from the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists in 2016 and is an honorary member of the Latin American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (CLOVE). She is a board member of the International Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ISVO) and editor of its newsletter, The Globe. She is the President-elected of the International Equine Ophthalmology Consortium (IEOC) and is a board-member of its directory. She is co-chair of the American Board of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) Residency Committee. Dr. Martins has authored several scientific articles and ophthalmology textbook chapters.

Her research interests include equine ophthalmology and ocular surface reconstruction with an emphasis on the use of biological and synthetic grafts.




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